How to Write an Unforgettable Protagonist


Every great story needs a strong leading character, or protagonist, to keep readers invested in turning the page and finding out what happens next. From Wilber the pig in Charlotte’s Web and Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz to Frodo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings to Hazel Lancaster in The Fault in Our Stars, protagonists come in different shapes and sizes. However, they all share a common thread in that the reader can relate to them and understand their motivations.

When you are creating your protagonist, consider the following tips for creating an unforgettable leading character.

1. Create a Character Profile

When you create a profile and backstory for your leading character(s), you give them life. Think about the characteristics that make them different and be specific. The more detail you provide helps make them memorable. Some of the questions you can answer about your character(s) include (this list is by no means exhaustive!):

  • How old are they and what is their name?
  • What’s their profession?
  • What is their economic and social background?
  • How do they dress?
  • What do they like and dislike?
  • What is their best quality?
  • What is their biggest flaw?
  • Do they have ambitions, and if so, what are they?
  • How’s their temperament?
  • What are their quirks and their flaws?
  • Are they likable? You want your readers to find your hero or heroine to be sympathetic and relatable.

After you’ve answered the basic questions, you can further flesh out your character’s profile with a backstory. When you write their backstory, think about the events in their lives that helped shape them. Many writers find it helpful to create a timeline of their characters’ life to help identify their defining moments for more exploration. You can then weave the backstory into your narrative so that it feels like part of the main story. By doing so, you give your reader greater insight into your protagonist and help immerse them in the story’s details.

2. Give Them Motivation

As a leading character, your protagonist needs a motivating force for doing what they do, even in the face of challenges. A main character lacking motivation or purpose won’t connect as easily with readers, and they won’t have a reason to root for them.

What drives your characters? As the writer, your options are endless. You can choose from everyday hopes or fears that your readers can relate to. On the other hand, you can equip your characters with the desire to prove their worth or to be accepted. These are intrinsic motivations relating to thoughts and feelings.

You can also consider extrinsic motivations like a reward, survival, or a deadline. In this instance, your character wants to achieve something in the outside world, even though it may fulfill an internal desire.

Having good protagonist motivation helps you keep their actions consistent, and it helps move your plot forward.

3. Help Your Protagonist Evolve

Once your readers invest in your protagonist’s struggles, they will be eager to see how they adapt to the obstacles you throw in their way. A good character typically undergoes some change throughout the story.

Think about it this way: At the beginning of the story, your protagonist is established, and their motivation is defined. Then, your leading character tries to solve a problem during the rising action, learns new skills, and has rising self-awareness. Finally, your hero or heroine gains a new sense of who they are based on the challenges they have faced.

Final Thoughts

By creating a multi-dimensional protagonist makes your story more engaging for your readers. Audiences will latch onto a dynamic leading character and follow them to the story’s conclusion (even if it has some weak spots). Finally, when you put your character in difficult situations, you help your reader understand who they are and what they are fighting for.

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