Publish Your Anthology

How to Get Published with the Anthology Project

Anthologies are a tremendous undertaking. From tracking down clients to collecting license agreements, there are several steps involved in the process:

  • Securing the name of the book
  • Buying the URL
  • Having the submission form approved by an attorney
  • Opening the submission
  • Notifying chosen authors for the anthology
  • Writing and collecting licensing agreements
  • Collecting payments
  • Securing an editor, designer, and typesetter
  • Editing short stories
  • Marketing the book

Here at The Unapologetic Voice House, we have a system for anthologies that works. If you’re ready to learn how to get published, we can help you do just that with The Anthology Project.

The Anthology Project is broken up into two phases: the first 60 days and the next seven months.

With The Anthology Project, we take on anthologies for coaches, leaders, and authors, so they can stay focused on what they do best. We’ll take care of absolutely everything for you.

The First 60 Days

Coaches, leaders, and authors can count on The Unapologetic Voice House to manage the submission, promotion, and licensing of their anthology project for 60 days. This option includes:

  • A book deal between the client and The Unapologetic Voice House
  • An author questionnaire for the client to help us understand how to market and promote the book
  • The creation of customized submission guidelines and forms for each client
  • The management of the intake of website submissions and weekly updates for the client
  • Recommendations for what submissions to accept and not accept
  • Swipe copy for promoting the anthology (including distribution and marketing information)
  • Promotion of the anthology submission on our social media platforms
  • The removal of the submission form and providing the client with all content and contact information
  • Licensing agreements for the client and each co-author
  • An authorship agreement for the client to send to the co-authors

The Next Five Months

The second phase of The Anthology Project is a five-month program that consists of the following:

  • Collecting co-author license agreements
  • Client and co-author introductions on our social media platforms
  • Examples of previous anthology stories for the client and co-authors
  • An anthology story template for each co-author
  • A project timeline and weekly updates for the client and co-authors
  • Personal insight and feedback from our founder
  • Management and editing of stories from co-authors
  • Review of each anthology entry
  • Design of your book cover
  • Physical book and ebook formatting
  • Book trailer for your Amazon Author Page and social media channels
  • Distribution management
  • An Amazon Author Page for each co-author
  • A marketing package for the client and each co-author to use to promote the book

Your Investment: $10,000. Please submit a query letter to get started.

Share Your Anthology with Us

Are you interested in publishing your book with The Unapologetic Voice House? We’re always looking for new female voices to highlight and stories with strong female characters. Submit a query letter to get started today!