After the Nova: An Open Call Submission for 11 to 17-year-old writers.

Calling writers between the ages of 11 and 17. We have an opportunity for you to get a short story published.  

After the Nova is an upcoming science fiction anthology of short stories set in a dystopian future where mental health is top of mind. Children between the ages of 11 and 17 are encouraged to submit a short story to the After the Nova Open Call Submission before April 15, 2021. 

Participants must have permission from a parent or legal guardian to submit a short story. Those selected to participate in After the Nova will be notified by May 1, 2021. Contributing authors of After the Nova will receive a by-line and be compensated $25 per story at the time of publication. 

Although stories will vary across time and space, they will have a few things in common—they will take place in a dystopian world, feature female voices, and touch on themes of mental health and self-reliance. 

Young people are often overlooked by adults, and this anthology seeks to set right the narrative and allow youth a chance to share their voice.

YA Stories, the brand-new division of The Unapologetic Voice House, is proud to publish this anthology in the young adult genre. The Unapologetic Voice House will manage the project and will be communicating with contributing authors and a parent or legal guardian throughout the process of the book. The Unapologetic Voice House will pay for the book to be edited, designed and published and no other fees will be transferred to contributing authors or their parents or legal guardian.
The Unapologetic Voice House will distribute After the Nova to its retailer channels in both a print book and an ebook. Submissions and guidelines for this opportunity can be found at